We really wanted to add a wave tank to the research and education facility at CSI, but we didn’t have the budget or space for a full wave basin. So, when we found OMEY’s offering with a fixed price, it was a perfect fit for our existing lab.”
Prof. Billy Edge
UNC-CSI undertake research, education and community outreach programs. They wanted to have in-house wave tank facilities, to enhance teaching and awareness of wave mechanics, and to allow research prototypes to be tested. However there was limited space and limited budget.
UNC-CSI completed a competitive evaluation of OMEY’s offering. No other company was able to deliver a complete wave tank within budget. UNC-CSI placed their order, and OMEY Labs Ltd shipped a complete wave tank by shipping container. It took six weeks for the shipment to be completed from OMEY’s facility in Ireland to the client in North Carolina, USA.
OMEY’s technicians arrived on Monday with a detailed method statement. A 2.5T forklift move the tank modules near the building where they were manually pushed into the lab on skates.
Each module was sealed using the bolted flange and a solid silicone bead. No messy compounds were needed or time for seal curing. By Wednesday afternoon the complete watertight tank was ready to be filled from a nearby fire hydrant taking just 40mins. This was a rare opportunity to demonstrate a standing wave, before the wave absorber was lifted into place.
In just three days a complete wave tank was installed and commissioned with just 2” of spare room at either end of the completed wave tank.
UNC-CSI were able to bring in-house wave tank testing capabilities although their budget and laboratory space was very limited. Their lab now enables staff and students to run tests at say 1:70th scale in regular, irregular and random wave conditions, something normally reserved for organisations with budget for a major capital project.